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When Car Accident Injuries Prevent You from Working

 Posted on June 18,2024 in Car Accidents

IL accident lawyerIf you have been seriously injured in a car accident, you will likely be unable to work for a period ranging from a few days to the rest of your life. The good news is that if the accident was another driver’s fault, you can sue for lost wages. Recovering lost income is often a very high priority for people who have been injured by careless drivers. Lost income is part of the economic damages your lawyer can work to recover for you. Both the wages you have already lost in the immediate aftermath of the accident and the wages you will lose in the future can be covered in your compensation package. Your medical providers and your Will County, IL car accident attorney can help you determine how much time you will need off to recover from and receive treatment for your injuries.

How Much Time Off Can I Be Compensated For?

Many factors determine how much time you can take off after a car accident and recover compensation in a personal injury lawsuit. Generally, you can stay home as long as your doctor tells you to and take further time off for any follow-up appointments your doctor recommends. Do not return to work until you are cleared to do so by a doctor.

Other things you should know about missing work after a car accident include:

  • Your mental health is a factor - A serious car accident can impact your mental health, which could interfere with your ability to do your job. If you find frequent thoughts about the accident affecting your productivity, immediately consult a mental health care provider. 
  • You can be compensated if you have to take a job that pays less - Some people cannot return to the job they had before the accident due to the nature or severity of their injuries. If you have to leave your former position and take a job that pays less, you may be able to recover the difference in pay. 
  • You must follow your doctor’s instructions - Insurance companies can have you followed in public by a private investigator while you are out of work. This is to ensure you are not doing the activities your time off is meant to keep you from having to do at work. For example, if you are missing work because you are not supposed to lift more than 5 pounds, make sure you do not lift an 8-pound bag of dog food into your car at the grocery store. 

Contact a Plainfield, IL Car Crash Injuries Attorney

Flaherty Law, LLC is committed to helping people who are missing work after a car accident. Dedicated Will County, IL car accident lawyer Dan Flaherty has recovered millions of dollars for his clients. Contact us at 815-577-7500 for a complimentary consultation.

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